Thursday, November 24, 2011

How Swiftly Pass the Days

I haven't written in some time, but that is her fault not mine.  She's cleaning out her office and frankly I don't know how she finds herself in there.  Of course, for me it's great, I love paper.  How it crunches when you bite it and how it sounds when you tear it.  That's the best part, oow I love that noise.  And it is fun to see her run to try to catch me and get whatever I have stolen back.  Sometimes she sees what I have and says,"You little runt, drop that!"  But other times she says"Oh for Pete's sake, keep it you little ninny." How's a guy supposed to know which is which? 
I've actually gotten a little older.  I guess that happens when you are around awhile, but I amtalking about how I've improved.  Yeah, that's right improved.  Now she trusts me to behave when she goes out shopping or whatever it is she does, when I let her out of my sight, and I don't have to go to my room.  Usually I go anyway, I like my new big boy bed. 
Today is Thanksgiving so she'll probably be gone a while.  I guess it is some sort of a ritual as they always do the same thing they did the last time they did it. 
Very confusing if you ask me.  But, do be careful on those roads so I can talk to you again.
You're fun.
I'll talk at you later, soon, very soon, I promise

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rough week

Well this is going back a couple of weeks, cause herself was under the weather and I had a rough time of it as well.
It's Sunday and she comes down to let me out of my room and out to do the necessaries. She opens the door and guess what I can't stand up. My legs won't work. She's all dressed up cause it is church day, but I guess I really worried her cause she took me to a pet emergency place. They took me in quite quickly which surprised me cause Mom said, "emergency departments usually take a long time."
Well after pushing and poking me they decided, nothing was broken and I had sprained my hips. Probably caused by too much and too high jumping. Geeze, I'm a little dog. How do they expect me to get up where I need to go? No wings, can't fly, so I jump. I have to guard the street you know. No one man or beast goes up that street without my notice. The docs gave Mom some pain pills and they really helped at least for the first day. I whimper when I think the jump will be too high and she lifts me up. But after two days, I'm back to my old self. Run, jump even dance, no pain, nothing, pain is gone.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Grinch Christmas

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was okay. Mom doesn't like holidays much. She left me for a little while on Christmas Eve, but she came back in time for ice cream. Which is good. Everything was great the next day, she gave me treats. Problem was I ate too many of them. Hurt my belly. In the afternoon Kelly and Kenny came over. We were all sitting around the kitchen table and Kenny says, "Hey, Widget is just like the Grinch's dog. Give me some cardboard." Kelly hands him some paper and he says, "No cardboard and get me some sissors."

Now I'm wondering what the heck he is up to. Well he cuts out some crazy shape and then pokes holes in it. Then he grabs the gold cord from the box of the bath stuff he gave Mom for Christmas and threads it through the holes. And, you won't believe what he did next! HE PUT IT ON MY HEAD. I tell ya I was mortified. And then, and then they all take pictures. Like I want this humiliation perserved forever. I was a good sport and didn't wiggle or bite at the dang thing, but boy oh boy did I want to.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Police Came here!

Wow, you wouldn't believe what can happen in just a few minutes. Herself goes next door to see the lady that calls me Wiggy, but she didn't take me. Now she figures since she won't be gone long I don't have to go in my room, which is nice. Maybe she thinks I am getting to be a big boy. Well, out she goes and puts the alarm on as usual. The dang thing could near to render you deaf. Anyhow, she forgot to turn off the motion sensor. So it's my house so I walk around and the dang thing begins screaming. Scared the tar out of me. Then somebody dressed all in blue comes in the front door and looks all over the house. They even went upstairs. Which was kinda good, cause they opened all the closed doors and left them open. This means I can get in where I am not supposed to go, but I did anyway. I found a neat sock that I played with until herself got home. She was puzzled that the doors upstairs were open. Then the phone rang and she goes "oh my word. It was my fault cause I forgot about the motion sensor. I'm sorry."
I didn't like that screaming thing but it was nice to get into forbidden rooms.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Price of Being Beautiful

Can you believe it? They put me on a diet. A diet! That's not fat it's muscle. Big deal I weigh more than most of my kind. So are all people the exact same size? I don't think so. At least she still lets me have my ice cream. Not so much but some. Better than nothing.
Well, this part of the year is not Mom's favorite but I don't think she minds it as much as last year. We got some great neighbors. The lady from across the street just vacuumed the front yard and took up all the leaves. She has this huge machine that sucks them up just like they were lint on a carpet. And I know about lint. If you scratch your claws against a carpet it forms little balls of lint. I don't bother to taste them anymore. I tried it once and it was yucky.
I guess the only thing I really do to bug mom is steal things. I won't keep them I just redesign them. Just munch on them till they are in a mangled ball (No matter what it is I can make a ball.) The ball is much easier to handle, you'd think she would appreciate my efforts. But it bugs her and she chases me all around the house till she tricks me into dropping it. But I do my best to keep her on her toes. She used to yell, and it scared me, so I would drop whatever it was. But I got wise to that and now she has to really trick me. Today was the topper though. I found a plastic thing in her office and she didn't see me get it. So she sneaks up on me and lunges. I got away but then she goes for my leash. Not fair, that means a ride or a trip to the doctor (which I love because they fuss over me and I like that). Just went to the doctor so that means a ride. Right? Nooo, she put on the leash and then went to retrieve what I stole. Okay, I was naughty but that was so not fair.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Missed you guys

It's been some time since I last posted. Herself has been working on a new book and I'm lucky if she remembers to feed me. The green stuff outside is now covered with brown and orange things. They dance in the wind and when you put them in your mouth, they crunch. They don't taste great, but I love to do it anyway. The only real problem is Mom won't let me bring them in the house. Last week though I brought in a few each time I went out and stashed them under the dining table. She went nutz when she found them. Asked me if I was setting up a compose pile, whatever that is. But I love to do things that bug her. I don't really think she minded the leaves ( that's what she calls the crunchy things) but the bugs on the leaves she wasn't so fond of.
I've gotten a little bigger I'm up to 13 pounds which I guess is heavy for a dog like me. I don't care though, I'm still small enough to fit in her lap.
She still gets sad and I try to sit on her head but I guess I am a little too big for that. At least that is what she says when I do it. She crunched her toes a couple of weeks ago, broke three of them. I wish she would watch where she is going, she's always breaking something.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

April where did you go?

It seems like forever since I blogged. Mom was laid up. I feel like it is my fault since it was my carrier she fell on. But, she still loves me.
It was like in the middle of the night, she got up to go to the bathroom. Then when she comes back to bed she knelt on what she thought was the bed. But it wasn't, just thin air and she came down with a crash. Bent the carrier all to heck..
She knew it was on her left side and she never hurts her left side. Don't ask me why that's just what she says.
Come morning she's still hurting and she tells Casey. Casey has a fit, "why didn't you call me?" So she comes and picks us up. The trip was near the end, so we cooled it. Mom was still hurting so she and the grandkids went for a walk.
She couldn't drive, so how were we going to get home. Casey's place is nice but I like my house better.
Well, Casey drove Mom, Billy and me home. Great huh? Well Casey makes her go to the doctor. Then the bottom fell out of everything. Mom's in the hospital and I get to stay with Kelly and Ken and Scar. Not my finest hour. Come back next week and I'll tell you the rest of the story